Monday, November 16, 2009


Among the succession of capitals that followed the abandonment of Polonnaruwa due to invasion was the 13th c. rock-fortress citadel of Yapahuwa (146 km. from Colombo), in the north-western plains. Its many intriguing remains include walls, moats, ponds, and audience hall and palace complex. Yapahuwa's crowning glory is its majestic Ornamental Stairway of dressed stone, adorned with fine sculptures of lions, musicians, dancers and goddesses.


Polonnaruwa (218 km. from Colombo) became established as the capital in the 11th c., when Anuradhapura was abandoned due to foreign invasion. A well-planned medieval city defended by enclosing walls (around 5 km. of which still remain), it was graced by palaces, shrines, monasteries, pavilions, parks, ponds and irrigation lakes.

Polonnaruwa's monuments date mainly from the 11 th and 12th centuries during which it was Sri Lanka's capital and bear the stamp of three great kings ­Vijayabahu 1, Parakrama Bahu the Great and Nissanka Malla

A dominant feature of the city, a vast irrigation lake of 5940 acres, (still in everyday use) is aptly named Parakrama Samudra (Sea of Parakrama) after its royal builder. A towering rock sculpture, thought to be of the great monarch, stands near the, reservoir

The palace complex of Parakrama Bahu is a medieval stronghold of moats, walls, guard-houses,bating ponds and thick-walled, multi-storeyed castle. The Royal Council Chamber, a majestic pavilion of granite columns, is adorned with rampant lions, moonstones and richly carved friezes.

Gal Potha - The Stone Book


The Sacred Quadrangle is a complex of twelve striking monuments. The Vatadage (Circular Relic House) is a shrine of four entrances, seated Buddha images, dressed stone pi liars, ornate friezes and guarastones. The Thuparama (image-house) has richly decorated facades and its original 12th c. roof. The Nissanka Lata Mandapaya (pavilion) has stone columns shaped like lotus flower-stalks. The 11 th c. Atadage and 12th c. Hatadage both housed the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha, handsome structures embellished with fine carvings. The 27 ft. Gal Potha (Stone Book) records the deeds of King Nissanka Malia. The Satmahal Prasada is a seven-tiered dagaba of unusual design.

Satmahal Prasada

Two Hindu shrines (Siva Devale), one dating from the 13th c., with intricate and well-preserved stone-work, are relics of South Indian influences of the period.
The Alahana Pirivena, a 12th c. monastic university, is a vast, landscaped complex of terraces and platforms, well-designed monastic dwellings, image and chapter houses, pavilions, hospitals and bathing ponds. A UNESCO World Heritage site, excavations and restoration are uncovering some of the mysteries of this extensive walled-in complex; its name translates into 'crematory monastery' but much remains to be revealed

The remains at the towering Lankatilleke shrine include 55 ft high walls, elaborate carvings and a huge headless standing Buddha image.

The Gal Vihare is one of Sri Lanka's most unforgettable monuments. A group of three colossal Buddha images in seated standing and reclining poses is carved with fluid grace and almost live expression, on a huge rock-face. The recumbent image measures 44 ft in length.

Among many other memorable 'sights' at Polonnaruwa are the Tivanka Image House with rare specimens of medieval paintings on its inner walls and the Lotus Bath, a bathing pond shaped like an 8­petalled flower in five concentric layers, sculptured in stone.

Buddha at Galviharaya

The Lotus Bath
